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Samsung SGH-Z300
There really are things that go bump in the night; and Samsung's SGH-Z300 3G music phone is one of them. |
GSPDA Xplore M68
Palm OS communicators not named Treo are few and far between these days: gets hands on with one contender, the GSPDA new Xplore M68. |
LG SV360
sneaks in a wee bit of playtime - literally - with LG's SV360 Korean-only gaming phone on the showfloor in Cannes. |
Samsung SGH-Z500
Easily confused with your average 2G clamshell, marvels at Samsung's new and small 3G-enabled SGH-Z500. |
What can we expect to see here? |
[a] Alternate [p] Pirate
[b] Bad Dump [t] Trained
[f] Fixed [T] Translation
[h] Hack (-) Unknown Year
[o] Overdump [!] Verified Good Dump
(M#) Multilanguage (# of Languages)
(###) Checksum (??k) ROM Size
ZZZ_ Unclassified (Unl) Unlicensed
(-) Unknown Year
(1) Japan & Korea (4) USA & BrazilNTSC
(A) Australia (J) Japan
(B) non USA (Genesis) (K) Korea
(C) China (NL) Netherlands
(E) Europe (PD) Public Domain
(F) France (S) Spain
(F) World (Genesis)
(FC) French Canadian (SW) Sweden
(FN) Finland (U) USA
(G) Germany (UK) England
(GR) Greece (Unk) Unknown Country
(HK) Hong Kong (I) Italy
(H) Holland (Unl) Unlicensed
**** SNES ROMS ****
(BS) These Japanese ROMs were distributed through a satellite system in Japan known as the Broadcast Satellaview. They were transmitted along with a TV show which was connected to the game in some way. These games were only playable during the show, and thus stop after an hour, and many were timed so that only certain time periods were playable.
(ST) The Sufami Turbo device allowed two GameBoy sized carts to be plugged into the SNES. Certain carts combined into new games much like the Sonic & Knuckles lock-on technology by Sega.
(NP) Nintendo Power has been known to release games only available to its subscribers. Most of these ROMs are Japanese, as this practice occured mainly in Japan.
**** SEGA Genesis ROMS ****
(1) Carts with this code will run on both Japanese and Korean machines.
(4) While this code is technically the same as a (U) code, it is a newer header format and represents that the cart will run on USA and Brazil NTSC machines.
(B) This country code indicates that the cart will run on any non US machine.
[c] This code represents a cart with known faulty checksum routines.
**** GameBoy ROMS ****
[BF] Bung released a programmable cartridge compatable with the GameBoy which could hold any data you wished to play. However, many games do not function on Bung v1.0 carts and have to be 'fixed.'
**** Nintendo NES ROMS ****
PC10 The PlayChoice 10 was an arcade unit which played exact copies of NES games in an arcade cabinet. The machines had a choice of 10 games to choose from and ran for about 3 minutes on 25 cents.
VS The Versus system ran on similar hard- ware to the PC10 machines, but simply allowed you to play against each other.
Latest in Mobility |
Mobile phone
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Communicator Treo 650 coming to Europe in early March
|  |
Vodafone glimpses VPA compact, VPA IV communicators
Pre-CeBIT teaser VPA IV from Vodafone brings together 3G, a VGA swivel display and a thumbboard; the VPA Compact offers a minute form factor. |
Review: HP iPAQ rz1710 Looking for a slim Pocket PC without all the trimmings? The iPAQ rz1710 might be what you need. Richard Newman finds out if the trade-offs are worthwhile. |
Mobile phone
Preview: Samsung SGH-Z300 There really are things that go bump in the night; and Samsung's SGH-Z300 3G music phone is one of them. |
NDS Neo Flash for commercial nds roms G6 flash 3 comes in two version - GBA and NDS mode. SuperCard DS Similar to Movie Player Advance. SD flash card and Compact Flash adapter. EFA Linker 2 Extreme Flash Advance II with GBA, SP and Nintendo DS compatibility in GBA_Mode. M3 Adapter GBA & DS Movie Player Advance 3 - M3. Video, MP3 and Games.
Neo MagicKey2 MK2 from Neo Flash team. New 1Gb 2Gb and 8Gb PassKey with SD.